Almost half of all adult Australians are affected by mental illness at some time in their life. Mental health issues can affect a persons ability to interact successfully with family, friends, workmates and the wider community. It can be associated with significant distress and disability and can lead to isolation and discrimination.
The most common mental illnesses are depressive mood, anxiety and substance use disorder. Most people with mental illness recover well and are able to lead fulfilling lives in the community provided they receive appropriate support and treatment.
Mental health nurse
The role of the mental health nurse is diverse and we are very fortunate to have a credentialed mental health nurse attached to our practice. We strongly believe that early intervention is the best way to manage mental health distress.
You may need help with stress related to:
Feeling hopeless
Low self esteem
Poor sleep
Poor motivation
Understanding your symptoms of anxiety and depression
Understanding your medication
Obsessive thoughts
Managing with Court or Centrelink
Help with filling in forms
Cutting down on alcohol and / or drugs
Family breakdown
Debt , financial difficulties
Past trauma
Computer games addiction
If you are experiencing stress, book an appointment to see Alan Hainsworth our specialist mental health practitioner.
Alan can provide a variety of interventions for patients of all ages. Alan is a trained listener and will work with you, exploring ways you can improve your wellbeing and functioning.
This service is FREE to practice patients. We recommend taking advantage of this free service if you are feeling stressed.
